Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reading Response

I implement the Daily Five in my classroom, but I have tweaked it a bit to suit my (and my students') needs. I do a separate writing time, so instead of the Work on Writing portion of Daily Five, I do a Reading Response. I didn't start it until around February, so I didn't get to start it up the way I really wanted to, but I do want to share with you a few reading response sheets that I have created for my littles to choose from. Sometimes I tell them exactly what book they have to respond to, and sometimes I let them choose from their book boxes. They fill out the sheet, cut it out, and glue it into their reading response journals. The only thing they are allowed to copy from the book is the title. I quickly check it when the rotation is over.
It's an easy way for me to check on multiple skills, and the kids love having choices.
Click below to see for yourself! :) Happy responding!

Download this FREE 3 page product on my TpT website.
OR get the extended version here!
Here is a picture of my students' journals and then a picture of them doing a Reading Response on Chester's Way.


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