Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Must Read Monday Book Linky

Hello friends! Today I am linking up with Amanda over at Teaching Maddeness to talk about a book that I think is a "Must Read"... aren't they all "must read"?! :) I just can't get enough books! I hope my kiddos feel the same way. I love introducing them to books that make them love reading. I stumbled upon this quote the other day and I just absolutely love it and agree with it!
One book (or books) that I LOVE reading to my kids are all of the Kevin Henkes mouse books.

I like using these books for a variety of topics. You can use them for character analysis, making connections, descriptive writing, voice, author's message, comparing and contrasting, etc. I usually read Chrysanthemum at the beginning of the year, but save the rest of them for the spring. I will probably read these after Spring Break. I can't wait! I think my favorite mouse book is Wemberly Worried (although it's hard to actually pick just one!)

Thanks to Amanda for such a cute linky and for letting me link up a few days late. :)
Click this graphic to go to the party!

I've also added this post to Primary Chalkboard's Read Across America Link-Up!


  1. Hi Cassie! I'm having my first link-up.. the theme is "teacher outfits". Stop by if you get a chance!

  2. I LOVE "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse". My kids always love when she draws the mean picture of Mr. Slinger and calls him a "Big Fat Mean Mr. Stealing Teacher". Plus, I totally had a red pair of boots that I wore everywhere when I was 5 :).

    The Learning Chambers


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