Friday, April 18, 2014

Five for Friday- Reindeers Are Better Than People
Today is Friday, so you have to know what that means! Five for Friday hosted by sweet Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching! Today is a holiday for me, so that is the only reason I'm actually remembering to link up! :)
I watched Frozen for the first time last weekend. I know, I know. I'm a little behind on the times and my kids couldn't believe I hadn't seen it yet. But now that I have, I'm obsessed with the soundtrack! It has been on repeat on my Spotify account all week! I really loved how funny the movie was as well as the music.
Here are some of my favorite graphics I've found!
Last week we began our plant unit and I was able to squeeze in Valerie's ADORABLE plant needs interactive notebook page! My kids LOVED it. The best part? It is FREE in her TpT store! Click the pictures to go check it out in her store.
After we did Valerie's notebook pages, we read a lot of plant books and watched some videos. Then, we did a cute craft and writing about the needs and parts of plants. I differentiated my writing paper for my sweet babies and it turned out really well. Everyone felt successful, even me! LOL! :)

If you follow me on IG, you've already seen one of these pics, but these are some of my sweeties investigating the marigold seeds we planted. I'm hoping they are nice and pretty by the time Mother's Day rolls around. This teacher brought all their sprouts home this weekend to give them some TLC (and possibly some MiracleGro.... shh!)
And my last one doesn't have a picture, but I am soooo thankful and happy for this 3 day weekend. It was a rough week and I'm looking forward to relaxing with my hubby and pups. I hope you have a GREAT weekend yourself! :)
Thanks for reading.


  1. Miracle Grow! LOL! Why didn't I ever think of that when I taught a plants unit!
    Hope they bloom in time for Mother's Day!
    Karli :)
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

  2. Cute stuff Cassie! Thanks for sharing your great photos and activities! I love our plant unit and now have some more resources and ideas to add to it!

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  3. Sorry it was a rough week... Hopefully it's a great 3 day weekend for you though! And if you were behind with Frozen, then I am left in the dust! Still haven't seen it... And thanks for sharing the info about the plant notebook! I'll need that for the upcoming 2 weeks. :-)

    The Land of I Can

  4. I haven't seen Frozen yet myself...that's what happens when your kids grow out of the Disney stage. I may have to arrange for a movie day at school though! Good luck with your marigolds!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. Hi Cassie,
    Have you seen all the YouTube videos of parents lip syncing to Frozen? :-)


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