Tuesday, July 1, 2014

STOP THE PRESSES! {July Currently}

Y'all, I haven't blogged since April. At the end of the year I just didn't have the time or energy and I really didn't feel like I had anything worthwhile to share with you. Then sweet summertime hit and I have just been busy busy- not even thinking about school! It has been kind of nice to take a break from all things school and teaching related.
A few days ago I got the itch to create and to blog, but my creative juices must be on summer vacation too! :) So, when I realized it was the start of a new month and Farley's Currently was posted, I knew that would be a good way to ease back into the swing of things.
If you are still following this little ole blog, I appreciate it, and I will definitely make up for my absence sometime soon ;)
Here we go...
Listening: Normally when I'm sitting on the couch on the computer, my 3 furbabies are surrounding me, snoring away. Today is no different!
Loving: This is my 4th week of summer break, and the first 3 were pretty busy. I had trainings, I babysat my niece, and I tutored. Oh, and I went to New Orleans for an SDE Conference. :) This week, I'm just hanging out with my hubs and pups. It's nice!
Thinking: During the school year it's so hard to have 'me' time. Summer it's such a nice break to be able to spend longer than 45 minutes at the gym and to be able to take my time stretching after my workout. It's also nice to not have to get my workout in at 5am. 8am is so much more reasonable!
Wanting: I am road tripping with my sister-in-law to California in August. I would REALLY like to feel comfortable in a swimsuit by then. I know it won't happen overnight and I know that I will still need to continue working when I get back, but it would be wonderful to just enjoy the moment and not feel self conscious.
Needing: My sister is expecting baby #2 in August (the first day of school to be exact) and this one is a boy, so I am throwing her a shower! I've got the place and date/time picked, but I need to get on the decorations. If I want to order anything online, I need to do it this week so there is time for it to come in.
4th of July Plans: Hubby and I will just stay home and possibly grill. We don't want to fight the crowds anywhere, plus it's just SO hot. We also don't want our pups to get scared from the fireworks. On Saturday though, we are going to a BBQ at a friends house during the day. so that will be fun!
Thanks for reading! Hopefully this post will spark my creativity for the rest of the summer. And, if not, that's ok. We should all be enjoying our summer right now anyway, not thinking about school. :)


  1. How exciting you're headed to my neck of the country! I agree that 8 o'clock is a more pleasant time for sure!

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. I haven't blogged since May! Ahh! Sounds like you have a busy and fun summer happening - can't wait to hear more!

  3. First time for me to visit your blog-love the colors!
    Continue to enjoy your summer and relax because when the school year begins, well...you know.
    Learn with ME in Grade Three


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