Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Bright Idea: Keeping Game Cards Organized

It is my favorite time of the month! It is time for the Bright Ideas Blog Hop! :)
Today I am here to tell you all about how I make sure that all those tiny little game cards go back into the correct baggy when my littles are doing math centers.
To start, you need a bunch of different colored permanent markers.
Then, after laminating the game cards, BEFORE cutting them out, draw a line down the back of each row. Make sure to use a different color for each set!

After that, cut them out and out each set in a baggie labeled with the color.
Here is a close up of what the cards look like with the lines.
Easy peasy for you and for the kids! :) Now when you find a random game card in the bottom of the center bucket, you know exactly where it goes.
If you enjoyed this bright idea, please join me on Facebook or Instagram!
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  1. This is genius! Thank you so much!

  2. Clever! I could definitely use a trick like this for my differentiated centers and it's simple enough for the my kindergartners to figure out too. Thanks for sharing!
    The Chalkboard Garden

  3. Perfect idea! And so simple! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Color coding makes everything easier!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  5. Great idea and quick to fix 😄

  6. Love this idea!! I already sent it on to my teaching partner!

  7. I do this but with different colored numbers on the back. This would save so much time. Great idea!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade


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