Friday, July 12, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday

Good afternoon y'all! Goodness, it is a hot one today here in Texas.
Today I am linking up with the amazing Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade. This sweet lady is the whole reason I started blogging over 2 years ago. I don't have near the amount of cute ideas she does, but I sure do love looking at all the inspiring blogs out there! :)
Here are my favorite pins from this week:
This cute pin is from Randi over at Teach it With Class. I love the idea of putting up all the sounds that we've learned so far. And her blue and green circular signs go pretty perfectly with the book basket labels I just finished working on. (Stay tuned for a post on that and a FREEBIE!)
Sadly, there wasn't a source for this awesome pin! This is a ten frame made out of popsicle sticks. I think this will be so helpful for my hands-on learners! I can't wait to make a set of these for my small groups. (If you know of the original source for this picture, please let me know so I can link!)
For The Home
How beautiful is this? This piece of artwork is from the blog Nalle's House. I love it because I feel that as inartistic as I am, I could totally make this for our bedroom! Click the picture to take you to her exact post that also features a tutorial. She doesn't say what the numbers represent for her family, but if I were to make this I would do our anniversary.
This next pin is from Rachel at Adventures of a DIY Mom. I have seen tons of menu boards all over the place, but this one totally spoke to me! I love the green color scheme, I love the small size of it, and I love the font of the letters. If I get creative enough, I might have to recreate this soon! The hubs and I always wait until the last minute to decide what we want for dinner and always end up running to the store for something. I think this could help! Thanks Rachel!
Beautiful. Gorgeous. Exquisite.
Those are the words I think of when I look at these pictures by Brittany G Photography. I want need someone to do this when I have children. Please, do yourself a favor and click the picture to see an amazing birth story told in pictures.
Pretty much my inner dialogue when on Pinterest. Ha! :)
Oh. My. Gosh. I love funny animal pictures (who doesn't?) and this one just takes the lipstick cake. If my sweet Molly girl did this I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry!! LOL!
If you'd like to see what else I'm pinning, click here to follow me!
Now it is time for you to post about your favorite pins and go link up with Cara!


  1. I love the menu board. That one seems so simple and doesn't take up too much space! Thanks for sharing!
    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  2. The birth story through pictures was so touching! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Loving your pins!!

    I am your newest follower :) Come stop by if you get a chance - I'd love to hear from you!

    The Sweetest Thing
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