Friday, March 21, 2014

Five for Friday

Hooray for some Five for Friday because that means it is my favorite day of the week! :) Click the image below to go link up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching.
First up is a little bit of bragging. My New Year's Resolution was to be more healthy. I didn't put any specific labels like "lose X amount of weight by ___" or anything like that. I wanted to it to be more general so it would be easier to stick with. Well, I am so proud of myself because I have worked out 38 times since Jan. 5th, I have completely changed my eating habits, and I have been more conscious of my choices. Through all that, I have lost 10 pounds. I know it's not a lot, but it's more about the journey for me. I've yo-yoed with losing weight for the last few years due to a spinal injury, and it's been hard to push through the pain. Luckily, my back doesn't hurt as much when I eat healthy and workout. I'd like to lose another 15-20 pounds and see how that looks on me. Really and truly I'm just so dang proud of myself! :)
And this is {one of the many} quotes that help keep me motivated!

Hubby and I have another wedding to go tomorrow night except this time its a few hours away. So that calls for a road trip and a hotel stay! Yay! I'm pretty excited. The bride and I have been friends for years and years and I am SO happy for her! I got a new dress and just got my nails done. I'll have pictures of the trip next Friday! :)
I am having a giveaway over on my Facebook page for my newest product on TpT- Anytime Centers. I love centers that aren't themed around a specific holiday or season because I want to be able to pull them out at any point in the year-whenever my kids are ready for the skill. And I'm the type of OCD very particular person that wouldn't be able to handle snowmen in August or hearts in May.

Click here to go the centers in my TpT Store!  

Okay, so this isn't exactly 5 for Friday with only 3 things, but that's pretty much all I've got! :)
Catch ya later alligator!


  1. I with you on non-themed centers!!! I'll definately check them out.

  2. That's so great you are eating healthy and accomplishing your New Year's goal! I keep telling myself I need to have better eating habits and hit the gym more. It's so hard to get back to the gym after not going for a while though! Your new centers pack look great, I will be sure to check it out! If you are interested in a giveaway, I am having my first one for a TpT gift certificate and a free item from my store! Have a great weekend!
    Tricks of the Trade in First Grade


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