Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Currently & What I Bought!

Holy Cow! Is it seriously March already!? I didn't even realize until I saw that Farley had posted this month's currently. I guess that's my prize for staying up so late, getting to be one of the first to link up.
Most of these don't need explaining, but on the last one, you are supposed to guess the question! That's a neat twist :)
Oh and Farley has got a cute new blog design, too, and it REALLY makes me want one!

I also am linking up with Blog Hoppin' to show you what I bought during the BIG TpT Sale! I stocked up on clipart... I've already been updating and creating like a mad lady today. I love it! New clipart and fonts totally get my creative juices flowing. Check it out below!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Hi Cassie - I like your Blog design, esp. love the yellow color! My guess is....that you're looking forward to both Spring Break and Summer vacation! :) Have a good weekend!

    Crayonbox Learning

  2. I purchased quite a bit too! I would have to say you are needing those to things to come quickly!!

    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second

  3. I love how I come across new blogs each month with Farley's Currently, and I super love that your blog is yellow and grey!! My favourite colour combo at the moment...

    I'm guessing your question is, "What am I looking forward to most at the moment?!"
    Learning to be awesome

  4. Love the colors on your blog! And congrats on being the first one to link up!
    My guess is...the two things you need to come like NOW!

    Southern Fried Teachin’

  5. I bought some of the same clipart. I lover her stuff! Staying up was not as bad since I was able to sleep in, but I know tonight it is going to be hard to go to sleep too. Such a night owl.
    I hope you find an amazing dress.
    My Second Sense

  6. Cassie,
    I absolutely love your page and the colors! Please check out my new teacher exchange website It is a teacher exchange program in which you meet teachers and send care packages to each other. Please feel free to check out the website, sign up and pass our name along to friends!



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