Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Little Sunday Funday

I managed to have some fun last weekend when hubby and I took a road trip down to Austin for a beautiful wedding for a dear friend of mine!


It was a lot of fun and I especially just enjoyed driving down and back with Jonathan. We had so much fun just talking and laughing and listening to music.

Now it's your turn to go link up with Molly and Deirdre with Sunday Funday!


  1. Just found your blog thru A Burst of First linky. Austin is one of our favorite places!! We got engaged there years ago and traveled down there again for spring break last year. We wished we could have gone back this year. Looks like you attended a beautiful wedding!

    Table Talk with C & C

  2. Your blue dress is adorable! I'm so jealous it's warm enough to wear short sleeves in TX! :)

    Sprinkles for the Teacher

    1. Miss Muir- sometimes it fluctuates, we are back to the 40s today! And next week the 90s... Crazy TX weather!


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