Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Currently

Are you all ready for the April's Fools jokes today? I'm not. Well luckily, Farley's currently is no joke and it's here. I can't believe it's already April 1st! The school year is winding down.
I'll explain a few of my currentlys!
Wanting: My hubby graduates from college in about 6 weeks and I am SO excited! I can't wait for him to get a job and us be a 2 income family! :) Prayers for his job search are much appreciated!

Needing: Don't we all need a few more hours? I didn't leave school til 7 last night and that was NO fun. I drove 30 minutes home and then ate dinner, facebooked a little while, and went to bed. Too short of an evening for my liking!

Hours and last day: Those are my contracted hours, but I'm usually at school around 7:30am and leave around 4:30-5. Our original last day was supposed be earlier in June but thanks to snow days, we have to go a full week in June! That's going to be rough.
Now it is your turn to link up with Farley! Don't forget to leave some comments on the ones you read- everyone loves a sweet comment! :)


  1. Congrats to your husband on his upcoming graduation! So exciting!! Like you, I work beyond contract hours. However, I get there early and leave right on time. (It helps that I have high schoolers that need to be picked up from practice to get me out the door on time.)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. Howdy! Where in Texas are you from? I'm from the DFW area but am currently teaching English in Korea. One thing about teaching in Korea...I never leave late and I don't have any meetings or grades or data to do. Congrats on your hubby's graduation!
    Southern Fried Teachin’

  3. Congrats to your husband on his impending graduation! Mine graduated last year and I was so proud of him! He also got a great job that he loves. Hoping the same for yours!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  4. Congratulations to your hubs! That's fabulous news! Booooo to going extra days to make up for snow days.
    Rowdy in First Grade

  5. I definitely NEED more time in each day - or just an extra day on the weekend would work too :) Congrats to your hubby - that is awesome! I know it stinks to have to go extra days, but I would love be out that early in June. When you are enjoying summer you can think of me still in school until June 26th. Maybe that will help. At least my misery can be someone else's joy :)

    First Grade Smiles

    1. Melissa- wouldn't it be nice if there was a day between Saturday and Sunday? Whoever decided the weekend should only be 2 days, anyway?! LOL! :)


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