Friday, March 7, 2014

Five for Friday

It's Friday and I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Five For Friday.
First up, have you SEEN my new blog design? It's Megan over at A Bird in Hand Designs is awesome. I am so happy that she offers the cheaper/no wait option to "Build Your Own Blog". I picked my stuff out on Sunday night and she had it installed by Tuesday around noon. I'm SO happy with the result! It makes me happy just to sit and look at it.

Last night was Open House and it went very well. We worked hard the past few weeks learning about seasons and then we got to showcase all of our work! The kids had a good time showing their parents everything they do in 1st grade. I'll be doing another post next week sometime with a complete recap.
 You saw my post here about QR Code Centers in the Classroom. Here is my QRazy About Word Problems center in action. This sweetie was loving scanning the QR Codes and listening to the problems.
I have them glue their recording sheets in to their math journals so I don't have to keep up with them all.

My last 2 count as 1... It's SPRING BREAK! I'm off to enjoy my vacation :)
reading or housework?


  1. LOVE the blog design! Super cute! And I love the polka dot letters you use to label your 5.

    Spring break?!?! We have 5 more weeks!! Have a blast!!

    The Land of I Can

  2. Hi Cassie! I love your bulletin board for your open house and look forward to reading your full post. I am your newest follower!
    Elyse :)
    Proud to be Primary

  3. I LOOOOOOVE your blog design! The colors are so happy! :) Hurray for Spring Break! I still have a week to go......

    The Sharpened Pencil

  4. I LOVE your new blog design! So fun!

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  5. LOVE the design! Also love your bulletin board! Super cute. Our Open House went well, too. The kiddos were THRILLED to show off all their work, and the fractured fairy tales they wrote were adorable. :)

    Any N TX blogger meet ups coming up?! YAY for spring break, girl! This girl is PUMPED. :D

    Teach On.

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