Sunday, March 16, 2014

Open House and Spring Break

Hello friends! I am SO happy you are still here reading this. This past week was my Spring Break and I took a much needed and much enjoyed break from ALL things teaching related. I brought my bag home with me and haven't even looked at it. It felt SO GOOD!
The Thursday before Spring Break was Open House and our focus was on the 4 seasons. I feel it is important to stick with the curriculum for Open House and not necessarily branching off into a theme that doesn't cover the TEKS (Texas' version of Common Core). We needed to teach the 4 seasons, and so my teammate and I tried to make it as fun and cutesy as we could while still sticking to the curriculum. Here are a bunch of pictures of what we did:
I also had a lot of fun this Spring Break, so I am linking up with Deirdre for some Sunday Funday!

Hubby and I went to a wedding in downtown Dallas. It was on the 42nd floor of the building. It was such a beautiful wedding.
One day we also had a Disney movie marathon, and this is a pic of our girl, Zoey listening to the whistling at the beginning of Robin Hood. It was hilarious!
We spent a beautiful day working in the yard and put in this bird bath. I love it! It came out to a total of about $70. Totally worth every penny. :)
Well, I am back at it tomorrow. If you are on your Spring Break this week, enjoy!


  1. Your open house looks fantastic! Ours is more of a meet-the-teacher. Nothing that fancy!

    I love your bird bath!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  2. Your open house looks awesome!! That bird bath looks great!

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  3. What a beautiful looking open house. We have ours in a few weeks and we are doing those rainbows as well! So cute! The wedding sounds like a blast. Love the bird bath. We are still hibernating here in New England. Thank you for linking up!
    A Burst of First

  4. What fun weather ideas! Love the birdbath too!!!

    An Adventure in Literacy


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