Sunday, April 6, 2014

Motivating Students' Behavior

Happy Sunday, friends! I can't believe it's already Sunday. This post will be short and sweet because I am determined for Sunday to still be part of the weekend instead of just a precursor to Monday.
Please… don't tell me tomorrow is Monday. T_T
How do you choose to motivate your students' behavior throughout the week? I try a lot of things- tickets to purchase something from the treasure box, earning letters on the board to dance to a favorite song, clipping up on our clip chart to earn stickers, and last but not least:
Firsties who only get a sign in on one day of their calendars for the week get to participate in Fun Friday! I'm tellin ya, for those kids who "stuff" doesn't matter to them (aka the treasure box) and they don't care about dancing, they REALLY don't like having to sit out during Fun Friday while all their friends are playing games and doing free draw.

My kids have quite a few choices for their Fun Friday time.

They can play with math buckets.
They can do free draw on the carpet.
 They can play games on the Chromebooks.
I also have a bunch of board and card games but ironically they'd rather draw most of the time! :)

If you don't already do something like Fun Friday, I totally suggest it! It also gives me a little bit of time to clean up the room so that I can get out the door at a decent time on Fridays. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I used to do Fun Friday in my 2nd grade classroom and the students loved it! They worked so hard to earn it and it was a great way to hold my students accountable. The arts and crafts section was definitely their favorite area!

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple


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