Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wordless Wednesday {4/9/14}

Today is Wordless Wednesday!
See more wordless posts and link up with Christina over at Sugar and Spice.

How do you keep track of buying/brought lunch?
Does it serve double duty with attendance, like mine?


  1. I have seen these! Very cute! We do everything on the computer! Great idea. Wendy 1stgradefireworks

  2. What a cute idea! Ours is all computerized.


  3. I use a clipboard. I blogged about it over on my blog, but I love the process. It saves me time, and it helps us remember hours later who picked what for lunch. Our cafeteria friends are really picky when it comes to lunch menu and student choices.

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  4. I keep track, but in a different way. I have pictures of different lunch items on the list and they put their popsicle stick in the cup with the picture of what they want. If their popsicle stick is on the table and not in a cup I know they aren't in school!

  5. cute!! My desk is magnetic so they make their choices on the front of my teacher desk. :) Thanks for linking up! :)
    Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice

  6. I use something very similar to yours! I have a magnetic white board right by my door that is divided into hot lunch, cold lunch, and home lunch. They move their number to their choice for the day. I then have a lunch counter who writes the total for each choice and the numbers of students who are absent so all I have to do is glance at the board and input it into the computer! Very slick. :)

    Tales of a Teacher

  7. Looks great! Our lunch count is similar and magnetic RIGHT inside the door so they do their lunch count as soon as they walk in!

    Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd

  8. I have to enter the lunch count on the computer. I try to find creative ways to do it, like playig three corners if there are three lunch options.

  9. I have to enter mine on the computer and I could never remember to do it, so I hung a pic of Adam Levine there with a little reminder note attached. Now I never forget!! Love your idea, it's great.


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